Sorry for my absence! - site admin Crumpet

Crumpet 7/28/2015 09:30 am 2067

Sorry everyone, I have been sick for a little while and it's been affecting my eyes/vision so I haven't been able to get on the computer. But I am now getting better so I will start trying to catch up with everything!

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Jul 29, 2015 2:39 pm

Thanks everyone, I am checking the pending patterns now and fixing some of the bugs that have been reported happy

Also, just a quick note about the change of layout on the home page: this site is ad supported which means without enough ad revenue it wouldn't be able to stay online. For a while now the ad revenue has been suffering and I have wondered if I would have to consider shutting down the site at some point. I tried moving one of the ads to see if it would help. But THEN I realized there was actually just a glitch with the ad code, so they weren't displaying properly. What this means is the home page change might be unnecessary and temporary, but I don't know yet.

Jul 28, 2015 6:41 pm

Feel better soon!

Jul 28, 2015 1:49 pm

Your health is more important. Glad you're feeling better. kao smile