friend = k
my bf
my ex = R
sorry for any mis understandings btw
I have my texts locked due to family stuff and I've been working around it and most of my texts don't send to my bf but mine always send to K so we've been talking more which isn't right
and im a person who trys their best to be chill and comfort people so I was ok with it all but now I realized my mistake-
ok so Im with my bf of 2months and his friend got my number from my ex cuz they were in a friend group and yk we were chatting casually and then like he sent me selfies and he's like REALLY HOT(but I lovem y bf so much but he's conventionally attractive) and I was talking to my gc bout it and sent K screenshots bc I why not and My ex (Letts call him R) R asked how we were doing and he sen the screenshots I sent him and he sent them to my bf?! and yk we had a conversation and we were good.
2weeks later his friend (lets call him K) K said he liked me i was chill about it and he knows clearly I'm not getting with him due to my bf and he's been really casual and then he had a mental breakdown and he said he wanted cuddles and me being really comforting and stuff I said I would if I could (he lives 40+ hrs away) and then my bf found out and brought it up in a Convo and I we both flipped out and whenever I explained my side he was ignoring me, so K blocked me so my bf felt better and i got really sad and shit so he unblocked me and then I asked why I was blocked and he said bc my bf and I said he cant control WHO I talk to but he can control HOW I talk to them which me and K haven been all chill so theres nothing that could harm me and my bf and my bf is flipping out over texts with K but wont reply to me
edit I blocked K bc i was asking him for screenshots of what my bf was saying and he was reading my messages but never replied so yea he's blocked to save my relationship :3
edit: 10/23/24
so I said a stupid joke that wasn't supposed to be funny and my friend told my bf and y bf broke up with me bc of it and blocked me so yea
so I unblocked K and he's been chill until last night when he was Dr*nk and asked to see me and I sent a face pic and he said that's not what he wanted and i asked him if he felt guilty bc he has a gf but he just ignored it so I stopped replying ;-;
I will give updates!!!!!!!
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