Stretched Ears

DesiiDamage 6/20/2015 09:28 pm 2326

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HELLO PEOPLE OF THE INTER WEBS! First, let me start by saying YOU, YES THE PERSON WHO IS READING THIS, YOU'RE AMAAZING AAAAAND I LOVE YOU A LOT. Anyways, so my question IS, who here has stretched ears?

HOW LONG have you been stretching/How long did it take to reach your goal

what is your goal?

If you have not reached your goal, then what is your goal? And what size are you currently?

I'm at a 2g, been stretching for almost a year, but my goal is half an inch <3


8 Replies

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Jul 31, 2015 5:39 pm

I have been stretching my ears for 6 years now. I am at my goal size which is 3/4 (or 19mm) and have been for 2 years. I also have my septum stretched to a 6g and my tongue is at a 2g big grin

  • Athame
Jul 29, 2015 1:40 pm

Haven't even been stretched for a year but I'm almost to 9/16 (using tape for the first time) and may go to up to 5/8. Started my sophmore year.

Jul 26, 2015 12:07 pm

im at a 2g but i tried going up to a 0g and you know how tough that is kao cry i got a blowout and im still recovering

Jul 17, 2015 6:37 am

I've been stretching my ears for about 3 years, and my current size is 1/2.. My goal size is a inch, but I'm still debating weather I should take them out due to my future career.. My first goal size was 2g. But when a year past it looked really small. So I decided to keep stretching. In my opinion, it feels like a addiction. Hear me out, like once your ear is at a size for a while, you start to think that it's small so you keep stretching. togepi

Jun 28, 2015 11:17 am

hey, i have been stretching my ears in the last 9 years. i haven't moved up in a long time. i am currently at 3/4 inch. it is an odd size, so there isn't a lot of plugs or anything readily available. i stop here because i really don't think my ears can go to a full inch. there just isn't enough skin. i have recently found some cooler plugs on etsy. good luck. keep us posted.rainbow afroken

Jun 27, 2015 11:01 pm

I've been stretching my ears for around 6 years. I was a freshman in high school when I started. I've had numerous goals sizes over the years but I never stayed out those sizes long. My ears are currently at 1 inch or 25mm. They have been at this size for roughly 3 years. I occasionally think about stretching larger but if I do it'll be in the far future, after college when I have a job at a company that I'm happy at who allows more "extreme" body modifications. I pride myself on my healthy lobes; all my friends come to me for advice because all the information & tips I give out come from industry professionals who are usually members of the Association of Professional Piercers. I guess you could say I'm one of those people that are kinda anal about stretched ears & other piercings. If I didn't have shakey hands I'd probably be in the industry myself. haha (:

Jun 23, 2015 4:59 pm

I am at what I want which is 0 kao blush only been stretched for a good month and a half though. I stretched fast. And kept going bigger everyday -- which most people wouldnt reccomend doingkao big grin

Jun 21, 2015 11:48 pm

Ayoo, I've been stretching my lobes for around 6 years now and they're at a healthy happy 1 1/4 c: I'll be heading on my journey to 2 inches very super soon hopefully kao tongue