Teeth on masks?

HydraXIII 6/15/2015 10:15 pm 8969

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So, anyone have any ideas how you make teeth to put on masks? Like not in the pattern itself. A good example is http://www.dirtycatdesigns.com/gallery.html

They don't say how they do their teeth. I made a Mangle (Five Nights At Freddy's) mask for a friend and I used fake nails, which I had to take hours to cut and file. I wasn't very happy with the results...

I can't find any teeth that look the ones on Dirty Cat Designs on eBay or anything.

Help please!! 513b39525823e_crying.gif

8 Replies

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Apr 12, 2016 6:45 pm

@Laurel: She only recently started doing 3D printed teeth. She used to special order from somewhere

Apr 8, 2016 4:40 pm

I saw on the dirty cats instagram that she made her teeth with a 3D printer with a shank button attachment.

Apr 8, 2016 10:33 am

@Kevaramic: great idea, i used nails before and when i painted them they melted lol so thank you for the idea.

Jul 11, 2015 4:00 pm

rainbowsmilethose are fake nails trimed to shaoe than paintedpinkydogcooltongue

Jul 10, 2015 6:52 pm

try making a tooth shaped mold out of clay or something and fill it with hot glue or latex and paint it happy or just make the teeth out of clay and glaze them

Jul 10, 2015 2:44 pm

ive had this EXACT same question.. cause i saw those exact masks... i wondered what she used, i did a lot of digging and everywhere i looked it said they used fake nails... soo i guess it just takes practice to get them right.. i havent been able to try so i dont know what they look like yet.. but yeah fake nails just filed down is what she usesshrug

Jun 17, 2015 11:01 am

those are epicsunglasses

Jun 16, 2015 6:20 am

I put teeth on my masks! What I do is use white plastic spoons and cut out a tooth template that you can easily draw up yourself. It would be good to make two templates, one for a big tooth and one for a smaller tooth. Once you have them cut out, hot glue them to the top of whatever bead you would use to string them onto the mask! I have a couple photos of the mask itself on my profile!