YippeeYippeeYippee's Profile

Probably listening to music. Feel free to friend me

Sunday Nov 24, 2024, 9:30 PM




Last online: 2-06-2025 6:54pm
  • Gender: Rawr (She/Her)
  • Profile Views: 379

YippeeYippeeYippee's Friends

Currently trying to write an animated series on my own (I’ll pitch it eventually) lmk if you have experience with that btw. Just here to fuel my Kandi obsession !!!

Fandoms I consider myself a part of:

Stardew valley x3

Monster High (been obsessed since 2015)

Gravity Falls - Please come back Alex Hirsch

Invader Zim

Ninjago (Ironically)

Sailor Moon

ALSO MESSAGE ME FR IF YOU KNOW WHO QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE IS (I don’t know anyone else who knows them)

YippeeYippeeYippee's Other Patterns

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