Pyeauii's Profile

Saturday Dec 9, 2023, 3:24 PM
Last online: 12-09-2023 3:15pm- Gender: male (he/him)
- μέσα, ένα, άνδρας
- Profile Views: 1,164
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{DISCORD:} pyeauii.pyitheo.byeautii
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my name is Philomenos, but just call me Philo. i am a transgender, homoromantic lithosexual male. i am a writer, artist, and editor.. feel free to give me story recommendations, or anything within that nature! my wattpad is pyeauii. i am a minor, so please be mindful. :> take care, and much love all round!
if you decide to want to message me, i am extremely, anxious, so while i would prefer you not to, please just be mindful!
{previous profile picture description below:}
my lovely profile picture was also nott done by me, but rather, my beloved friend of my character, Thierry Milibank! Thierry, or Cherry, as called by some of their friends, especially best friends, is a Demigirl who has a very masculine appeal, via appearance wise and also in terms of their voice. they do not mind it so much. Thierry is aalso of French and Chinese ancestry!!! Thierry is a very timid person, and sometimes likes to make friends; they would rather stick to what they have, since it is easier. and when it comes to their sexuality, they are unsure, and questioning it, along with their gender identity, a bit - just a tiny chara dump </3
first previous profile picture is by @//softbedsfanclub on Tumblr!
current profile picture is by @//shino_dgs on Twitter!
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{some side notes:}
- i am Greek.
- my birthday is on April 24th, 2007. :3
- i mostly do digital art over traditional art! yayayay
- i used to have a copperhead snake, and a pacman froggie!!!!!
- i have a trillion, infinite amount of original characters yayayayii ∞
- some interests of mine are; things such as Genshin and Friday Night F υ nkin'!!
- some of my favourite rock groups is Alice In Chains, Ratt, and Queensrÿche!!
- i love to read! mostly horror-esque stuff. w// romance: MLM and masc-T4T!
- one of the things i have is dermatillomania, so that is very fun LMAOAO
- hopefully going to learn the bass guitar soon. i used to play the guitar!
- i am pretty big on paintings, especially involving myths. :"DD
- i love all types of music, but my favourite is currently rock!!!
- i am getting better at my Greek, and learning Italian, too!
- i am not fond of labels, but if i were to, they'd be:::
* monoflexible, transgender man
* demi-homoromantic & lithosexual
- i have two siblings, with me being the oldest!!
- i have the best, best friend in the world, Sky.
- i am extremely anxious, so be mindful!
- my favourite animal is the chinchilla!
- currently attending therapy :))
- i have a dog, Talos! <33
- i tend to age regress.
- i love plushies!
- big homo!!
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! ! ! ! !
please feel free to send / spam / etc., me stuff about anything Ace Attorney related on {Instagram: @//helenus.ii} & {twitter: @//pyeauii} anytime! that would make me very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i am quite a frequent commenter do not mind me :[
i am also experimenting with ey/em and fae/faer pronouns, so feel free to use them when regarding me! :DDDDDD
mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
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