Episode One, Season Two of Pokemon

Description In episode one of the second season of Pokemon, it start out with a Princess festival, where the woman are honored and, well, treated like princesses. To win a set of princess dolls, Jesse and Misty both enter a series of Pokemon battles. In the final battle, where Jesse and Misty go against each other, Jesse uses a Lickitung. Misty throws a Pokeball, and shouts: "Gooooooo Staryu!" Instead, out pops everyone's favorite Pokemon; Psyduck! If you can't read the picture, it says: Go Staryu on the side with the blue beads, and: Psyduck on the side with the Pokemon card and purple beads! Oh and Pokemon is copyrighted to Nintendo, I have no relation to Pokemon or Nintendo! This was traded to Stinkypuffball on 7/26/12.
Date 2012-01-24 13:39:46
Views 2520
Made by bossxtweed

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Jan 26, 2012 4:12 pm
"abtc16": It's psyduck, I remember all of the headaches he gave Misty lol Yep! I love Psyduck, though!
  • abtc16
Jan 26, 2012 9:26 am
It's psyduck, I remember all of the headaches he gave Misty lol