Team Rocket R Kandi Bikini Bottoms Bead Pattern

Team Rocket R Kandi Bikini Bottoms Bead Pattern
Made by LoliPoison
Description Team_Rocket_R_Kandi_Bikini_Bottoms
Date 2012-06-21 07:47:49
Hits 6234
Bead Counts
Size 50 columns wide x 50 rows tall

Kandi Pattern Comments

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Jun 21, 2012 12:18 pm
wouldnt there need to be more space long wise between the R and the TEAM? just guessing though, if you make them let me know how they go ^^
Jun 21, 2012 8:45 pm
"SycoSquirl": wouldnt there need to be more space long wise between the R and the TEAM? just guessing though, if you make them let me know how they go ^^ Lol that's a very good question to which I do not know the answer to yet xD I do plan on making them eventually to see if they will work at all. If need be the "Team" could be shifted down a few lines, but that remains to be seen.
Jun 24, 2012 6:18 pm
This girl has made a pair, she wore them to EDC and said they werent all that comfey you can ask her about it and get some ideas, hers look like there is more room for a crotch lol