Espeon Pokemon Sprite Perler Bead Pattern / Bead Sprite

Espeon Pokemon Sprite Perler Bead Pattern / Bead Sprite
Made by p0kecyn
Date 2014-01-26 13:00:09
Hits 36234
Bead Counts
Size 47 columns wide x 47 rows tall

Kandi Pattern Comments

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  • Asuna
Jan 2, 2016 4:38 am

Sep 29, 2014 5:14 am
Hi Christine, We don't sell anything on this site and all our patterns are free. However our patterns are designed for beads only, so the pattern image you're seeing on your screen IS the pattern. There is no other pattern we can send you. If you mean that you want to "buy" it so you can sell items made from it, we can't give you that permission because this is a copyrighted character.