CookieMonsterBraclet Perler Bead Pattern / Bead Sprite

CookieMonsterBraclet Perler Bead Pattern / Bead Sprite
Made by chanceinhell2000
Description CookieMonsterBraclet
Date 2012-07-12 02:58:44
Hits 11211
Bead Counts
Size 50 columns wide x 12 rows tall

Kandi Pattern Comments

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Jul 12, 2012 10:07 am
I don't think this could be made with melty beads. I think it would have to be done in square stitch or something similar. it only says "perler" because there is no option for "square stitch." i group them together.
  • kandiraverAly
Jul 12, 2012 10:04 am
how is this a bracelet if its all melty beads?