General Kandi Talk

Post casual questions about kandi here.

Displaying 901-910 of 2302 results.
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sun burn/poisoning help

6/25/2021 11:12 am 3 511

how to make a mini rotating cuff?

6/25/2021 07:36 am 6 879

what hairstyle do you have

6/17/2021 07:16 am 49 3165

kandi quiz help

6/24/2021 10:27 am 1 264

Cat ear help?

6/24/2021 10:14 am 2 576

not to be a boomer but

6/24/2021 06:23 am 0 329

whos yalls fav streamer!

6/23/2021 10:24 am 8 578