My Little Pony Cherrilee double mlp

Date 2015-10-17 23:09:22
Views 1163
Made by Laurel

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Oct 19, 2015 3:16 pm

@Norman_Bates: I took a lighter and a really thick safety pin, and I heater up the pin with the lighter and poked it through her ear. If you have a toy that is thinner and more flexiblex I find that you don't really have to heat it up, I just push a felting needle through it. Before my parents let me use a lighter, I used hot clue and some jump rings, and they held up alright. But it is better to burn a hole, or if you want to, drill a hole in what you want to put on your kandi rainbowsmilemokona

Oct 19, 2015 9:40 am

How do you get the string through the pony? I have a few of these I want to use in Kandi