Plur Hearts Kandi Pattern

Plur Hearts Kandi Pattern
Made by Crumpet
Description plur peace love unity respect hearts
Date 2011-01-01 04:19:45
Hits 20670
Bead Counts
75 19 29 20 17 20
Size 30 columns wide x 6 rows tall

Kandi Pattern Comments

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May 11, 2011 9:50 pm
Graphing paper would actually not work too well for cuffs like this, because on graph paper the boxes are right next to/on top of each other and the beads on cuffs like this aren't. but if you go to kandi patterns > make kandi patterns on the navigation bar I have some blank pattern paper you can download
  • LuPixie
May 11, 2011 9:26 pm
oh man I can't believe I found this website. I learned how to make cuffs but not patterns yet I can't wait to try it out.... I guess you can use graphing paper to create different patterns right?....yay I'm so happy this plur cuff looks super cute :lol: